Musikkapelle Oberstdorf

Culture & Tradition in Oberstdorf in the Allgäu

Artful hours

In addition to the artistic installations that you will find in our Hotel Exquisit, there are also many beautiful and interesting things to discover in and around Oberstdorf. Thus, some time ago, the Allgäu was a holiday destination and home for many well-known artists.

And until today the art and above all the tradition in the Allgäu Alps is lived and appreciated by young and old. Take advantage of the holiday with us at the Hotel Exquisit, to treat yourself to the active nature experiences and also some artful hours. Because: Art is good for our soul!


Allgäu customs & events in Oberstdorf

The Allgäu inhabitants are known for standing behind their traditions and for celebrating them. There are interesting customs and folklore events that you should have seen as a holiday guest.

  • The Wilde Mändle Tanz (wild men dance) is the oldest cult dance in the German-speaking area. This tradition is cultivated by the Trachtenverein* Oberstdorf with pride. (*society for traditional costumes)
  • The "Wilden Klausen" of Oberstdorf (wild beast-like creatures): On the evening of December 6, St. Nicholas Day, during the so-called "Klausentreiben" young, courageous fellows in fur and leather garments drive the evil spirits away from the village.
  • Oberstdorf dialect: "Foreign language skills" never hurt on vacation. With this list of translations, you can understand the Oberstdorf dialect and know what one or the other "Inghuimische" (= locals) would like to tell you. To the word dictionary of the Oberstdorf dialect
  • Bonfire Sunday: On the first Sunday after Fasnacht (carnival) at the beginning of Lent, numerous bonfires are lit at many well-visible places in and around Oberstdorf. This "fiery" spectacle is more than worth seeing. You will be astonished how beautifully the bonfires illuminate the night sky over the Allgäu.

Music-making, singing, dancing

In addition to the art and traditional customs in Oberstdorf, your holiday destination also has many musical events to offer. In the holiday region the music bands Oberstdorf and Schöllang as well as the yodeling group and the men's singing club are busy playing music, singing and rehearsing and regularly invite to concerts.

Musikkapelle Oberstdorf

The music band Oberstdorf

As early as 1833, the "brass music Oberstdorf" was founded, which is referred to as the ancestor of today's music band Oberstdorf. Today, the band has 45 members who have been passionate about it for years.

Their skills are regularly demonstrated at many concerts in Oberstdorf. Also a youth and wind instruments school is offered over the music band. There, the musical girls and boys are encouraged, challenged and can live out their passion for music!

More information and dates

Artists, painters, poets & co. from Oberstdorf

Surely you have heard of one or the other famous personality, but do you know that some famous artists, painters, poets & co were guests in the Allgäu? We would like to introduce you to some interesting personalities:

  • Carl Zuckmayer (1896 – 1977): The author and playwright is known for works such as "Der fröhliche Weinberg", "Barbara Blomberg", "The Devil's General" and many more. After the Second World War he was a guest in Oberstdorf several times when he visited his parents who were living in Oberstdorf.
  • Waldemar Bonsels (1880 – 1952): The writer is best known for the story of "Maya the Bee". He was a guest in Oberstdorf in 1922.
  • Johann Strauss III (1866 – 1939): He was a musician, conductor and composer and was the nephew of the waltz king Johann Strauss. In the summer of 1932 he was a guest in Oberstdorf and stayed in "Haus Johanna" on Mühlenweg road.
  • Richard Strauss (1864 – 1949): The musician and composer is known for his operas "Salome", "Elektra", "The Knight of the Rose", "Arabella", "Ariadne on Naxos", "Daphne", "Der Friedenstag" and many more. Richhard Strauss was a guest in Oberstdorf in 1926.


Hotel Exquisit
Lorettostraße 20
87561 Oberstdorf
Tel. +49 8322 96330
Fax +49 8322 963360


Look forward to cozy rooms and suites in a modern alpine ambience, the finest culinary art and the best relaxation.

To help you with your holiday planning we are available daily from 7 am to 10 pm.


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