Neuschwanstein im Herbst

Attraction in the Allgäu: Neuschwanstein Castle

Little fairytale world

It is a beautiful sight and only 77 km (about 1 hour drive) from Oberstdorf away: The fairytale castle Neuschwanstein in Hohenschwangau near Füssen. Like no other magnificent building the castle testifies to the ideals and longings of King Ludwig II.

He had the castle built to create a retreat for himself. He wanted to be able to retreat into his own little fairytale world, into a poetic world of the Middle Ages.

A trip to Neuschwanstein Castle must definitely be part of every holiday in the Allgäu.

Innenräume Schloss Neuschwanstein
Schloss Neuschwanstein

History of Neuschwanstein Castle

In the summer of 1868, preparations for the construction of the castle began. It is particularly interesting that in September 1869, King Ludwig II had the building plan, various portraits of himself and coins from his reign placed in the cornerstone. The foundations of the castle are made of cement, the castle walls are made of bricks and the magnificent building was clad with light limestone. Neuschwanstein was opened to the public in 1886 only after the death of King Ludwig II, as the king was very shy and at the end the castle was his personal retreat.

Opening hours and prices in Neuschwanstein Castle

You would like to make a trip to the fairytale castle Neuschwanstein? Then we can give you the most important information about opening hours and prices.

Opening hours

Ticket selling times in the ticket center:

01. April to 15. October: 07.30 am to 5 pm

16. October to 31. March: 08.30 am to 3 pm

Opening hours Neuschwanstein Castle:

01. April to 15. October: 09 am to 6 pm 

16. October to 31. March: 10 am to 4 pm

Open daily except on 1st January
as well as on the 24th, 25th and 31st December

Admission charges 2019

Single admission Neuschwanstein Castle:

  • Adults (from 18 years): € 13
  • Reduced (seniors, groups): € 12
  • Children & adolescents under 18 years: free admission

Königsticket (Kings's ticket for Neuschwanstein Castle & Hohenschwangau Castle):

  • Adults (from 18 years): € 25
  • Reduced (seniors, groups): € 23

Combination ticket "Königsschlösser“ (King Ludwig II's palaces: Neuschwanstein Castle, Linderhof Palace, Herrenchiemsee Palace).

  • Ticket is valid for 6 months, and entitles to a single entry into the 3 castles
  • Costs: € 26

Visitor magnet Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen

To date, around 1.4 million people visit "The Castle of the Fairytale King" every year.

With this large amount of visitors, many maintenance measures are required. Movements in the foundation area must always be observed, the steep cliffs must always be secured, and the weather-sensitive limestone facades also need regular refreshment. Restauration works will also take place this year.

Here are the latest information:

  • Renovation: The east façade of the gatehouse and the south tower of the gatehouse are renewed (these areas are partially covered with scaffolding). Furthermore, the retaining wall is rehabilitated below the square tower up to the gatehouse. The access to the castle is not affected.
  • CLOSED: Until further notice the hiking trail through the Pöllatschlucht is closed because of rockfall.


Hotel Exquisit
Lorettostraße 20
87561 Oberstdorf
Tel. +49 8322 96330
Fax +49 8322 963360


Look forward to cozy rooms and suites in a modern alpine ambience, the finest culinary art and the best relaxation.

To help you with your holiday planning we are available daily from 7 am to 10 pm.


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